Composite Materials
Showing all 7 results
Analyzing Damage in Multilayer CFRP-GFRP Woven Composite Using Abaqus
$ 180 -
Modeling of Isothermal Deformation in Metals and Alloys Using Strain-Compensated Arrhenius Models via VUHARD Subroutine in ABAQUS (Gleeble Thermo-Mechanical Simulator
$ 500 -
Modelling Creep Relaxation in CFRP Embedded Concrete Incorporating the Cohesive Bond Slip Behavior
$ 120 -
Modelling Highly Energy Absorbing Polyurea-GFRP Composite for Resisting Bullet Impact Using VUMAT-VUSDFLD Subroutine
$ 180 -
Modelling of Fiber Metal Laminate (Aluminum + GFRP) using ABAQUS via VUMAT and Ductile Damage Criteria
$ 100 -
Numerical Analysis of the Damage Behaviour of the Polyamide CFRP Composite Beam Laminated With Cohesive Layer
$ 80 -
Simulation of CFRP/GFRP Woven Composite Structure Under High Velocity Bullet Impact Using VUMAT (Abaqus + DIGMAT)
$ 180