Structural Engineering
Showing all 8 results
Analyzing Multi-Axle Dynamic Load on Reinforced Bridge Using VDLOAD Subroutine
$ 180 -
Concrete Crack Detection Using Piezoelectric Sensors Based on Time Reversal Method
$ 150 -
Modelling Air Blast and Surface Explosion (TNT) in Reinforced Concrete Bridges Using ABAQUS
$ 120 -
Modelling High Cycle Fatigue and Assessing Failure Probability for Reinforced Concrete Bridges Using Site Specific Fatigue Load Model
$ 250 -
Modelling Pull Out Strength of Ribbed and Plain Steel Rebar from Concrete Block with Account of Surface Based Cohesive Interaction in Explicit Step
$ 0 -
Numerical Modelling of Drilling Operation in Reinforced Concrete Slab Using ABAQUS
$ 70 -
Optimization of Steel Interlock Connectors for Modular Buildings
$ 120 -
Stress Analysis of Concrete Beam Reinforced With Prestressed CFRP and Steel Tendon
$ 100